Some of the common respiratory conditions include Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and COVID-19. Working closely with GPs, health practitioners and partner organisations, Lincs Inspire is well placed to better understand the needs of people managing these conditions and provide gentle forms of exercise to support active and healthy lifestyles.
Long-Covid Referrals
We are working with North East Lincolnshire Council to support patients with long-covid.
Funding from North East Lincolnshire Council has enabled long-covid patients to join the Active Forever scheme, at no cost to them, to support with their recovery.
For more information about how to access a funded place please contact Live Well Wellbeing Service on (01472) 325500.
Active Seniors
Light exercise sessions suited to people aged over 50 or people managing health conditions.
Sessions include walking netball, walking football, tai chi, zumba, beginners line dancing, seated chair exercises, new age kurling, over 50s badminton, crafts and a cuppa, chorus and a cuppa and sewing.