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Line Marking Works

As a result of new line marking work in the Sports Hall at Grimsby Health & Wellbeing Centre, we are sorry, that there is some disruption to services from Monday 16th to Wednesday 18th September.

Please make a note of the following cancelled sessions:

Group Exercise Classes
Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th
Step / Low Impact Circuits / BodyPump / Clubbercise / Zumba / Forever Fit Tuesday

Badminton / Pickleball
No court hire – Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th
No Social Pickleball on Monday 16th
No Over 50s badminton on Tuesday 17th

Inclusive Sports
Cancelled on Wednesday 18th

Sports Development
No kurling on Wednesday 18th

Thank you for your understanding. We’ll be back to normal on Thursday, 19th September.

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