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Kickstart Classes

Revamp your workout with our Kickstart Classes in February!

New to group exercise? Unsure where to start? Then Kickstart classes are for you! Open to our members, with non-members more than welcome to come and try them out.

Check out the Kickstart timetable

About Kickstart

Kickstart group exercise classes are a perfect way to revamp your workout.

  • Worried about going left when everyone else is going right?
  • Concerned about trying something for the first time?
  • Anxious about what to expect?
  • Unsure if you can do it?

Then book a Kickstart class in February at Cleethorpes Leisure Centre (week commencing 10th February) and Grimsby Leisure Centres (week commencing 17th February).

These classes are aimed at beginners, those new to group exercise, or for anyone who hasn’t joined a class for some time!

They are FREE for our subscription members and only £3 for pay-as-you-go customers. Non-members deciding to sign-up for a leisure membership after attending a Kickstart class will SAVE their joining fee (£25).

Meet Our Instructors | Learn New Techniques | Ask Questions | Have A Go | NO PRESSURE!

Lincs Inspire Group Exercise

We hope once you’ve tried one or more of our Kickstart classes you will feel confident to join a regular group fitness session.

Choose from over 100 weekly exercise classes across all our sites, seven days a week. Classes include:

  • calorie burners
  • toning and strength
  • sessions for the mind and soul
  • water workouts
  • fun fitness classes
Benefits of Group Exercise

Group exercise is a great way to help keep you motivated and many of our members love the social element of working out with other like-minded people! Group exercise…

  • Boosts your mood
  • Means you’re more likely to attend – you can’t let workout buddies down
  • Helps keep your exercise programme varied – no two classes are the same
  • Is very social. Meet new people and be part of a community
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