BBC Thousand Mile Challenge
BBC Radio stars take the plunge for BBC Children in Need
Grimsby swimming pool is hosting the finale of the BBC Children in Need Thousand Mile Challenge on Friday, November 8th.
About the Challenge
BBC Radio presenters from across the UK are taking the plunge and making a splash by diving head first into a mammoth swimming challenge for BBC Children in Need.
Presenters from BBC Radio Humberside and BBC Radio Lincolnshire will all swim 62 lengths a day for 5 days from Monday 4th to Friday 8th at different pools around Lincolnshire and East Yorkshire.
They are all coming together for the final push at Grimsby swimming pool on Friday, November 8th.
Kofi Smile – find out more
Richard Stead – find out more
Carla Green – find out more
Scott Dalton – find out more
Richard Madden – find out more
Sean Dunderdale – find out more
Pool Timetable & Filming
All pool sessions will continue as normal. View timetable. Please note that one lane will be used by the presenters throughout the day.
The BBC will be filming and broadcasting live throughout the day.
If you, or your child, DO NOT want to be filmed – please inform a member of staff. BBC staff will be identifiable by their BBC lanyards and ID.
All filming and subsequent processing of images is being carried out by the BBC, therefore will be governed by their policies and procedures. If you have any concerns in advance of the event, please email
Meet Pudsey
Pudsey will be making appearances throughout the day, and we will be going live to Peter Levy for Look North (between 6:30pm and 7pm).
You are welcome to come and cheer on the swimmers during our public swimming session at 6:15pm. Normal swimming rates apply.
You are also welcome to view the challenge from the spectator area.